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Forest School

for families

Saturday mornings- once a month!

Join us for a fun-filled family Forest School session!


Suitable for children from age 1 - 10


Our beautiful woodland base camp will be set up with lots of Forest School activities to keep you and your children occupied as well as taking part in lots of wonderful, woodland free-play.


Campfire snack for children and campfire cuppa for adults included (bring your own mug!)


Ensure you are wearing sturdy shoes with long trousers and sleeves. Wear lots of layers to keep warm (including scarf, hat and gloves) and expect clothes to get muddy! Boots or shoes are considerably warmer than wellies, ideally they should be waterproof.


Nic will meet you next to the car park 10 minutes before the session. (Car park is free and has toilets) Our base is a 5 minute walk into the woods - buggy friendly route available!


To find the next session, check out our Facebook and Eventbrite pages!

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